Box Shuttle

Petabyte-scale content migration, simplified

box shuttle

Leading organizations migrate with Box Shuttle


Going digital is challenging when your content is scattered across tools. Simplify your legacy system migration with Box Shuttle, a world-class content migration tool (available right from your Admin Console). Shuttle has it all: analysis and planning, configuration and simulations, and migration and reporting. Whether you’re looking to improve your content security posture, supercharge productivity, or simplify your IT stack and ditch legacy tech, get started fast with migration to Intelligent Content Management.

us airforce

Migrate content seamlessly

No matter your migration size — gigabyte, petabyte, or anywhere in between — Box Shuttle gets it done your way: all at once, in phases, or ongoing as you need it. With on-prem and cloud connectors, you centralize your content, configure permissions, and manage version history from one place.

Tailor to your business needs

Build a solid scope for your Box Shuttle migration, so it’s manageable for you and your teams. Rely on analytics to size up the content across your source tools. Remap ownership, structure folders, and control permissions (and sharing) for users and groups. Run simulations of your settings before you migrate to validate your configuration.

Keep work moving

Your cloud migration runs in the background, so you can continue to work on critical projects. Teams can work in Box or in source applications and files, and Box Shuttle will recognize and maintain any edits or additions. Afterward, review summary reporting, or dive into file-by-file details of your migration outcomes.

Automatically apply your settings

Content stays secure from the moment you migrate. With frictionless security settings immediately applied, you can power workflows and collaborate with anyone (inside or outside your business) without delay or added work.

Partner with migration experts

If you need guidance on deploying Box Shuttle, or you’re looking for a full-service managed migration, Box Consulting can help. Our robust Migration Services program provides you with expertise in planning, execution, change management, and user training — ensuring your migration is successful.

Key features


Connect to both on-premises and cloud tools like file servers, Microsoft OneDrive, SharePoint Online and SharePoint Server, Google Drive, Dropbox, AWS, Azure, and GCP.

Analysis tools

Analyze and report on file migration source content. Gather details like file size, type, ownership, permissions, and more to help you scope and plan your migration.

Configuration tools

Migrate as much data as you need — from single files to petabytes of data. Configure individual migrations, and manage settings like file exclusions, bandwidth, file version migration.

Location mapping

Select where content on the source should live in Box at both the owner and folder level. Automatically apply owner-specific user settings to migrated content.

Permission management

Select whether to migrate permissions or just content. Map users on your source to users in Box, expand or restrict permissions, or skip conflicts when more in-depth assessment is needed.


Validate configuration and mapping before your cloud migration. Get details like expected transfer duration, bottlenecks, folder and file quantities. Plus, access file-by-file details.


Run your migration and transfer your source content to Box without any disruption to your workday. Migrated content is copied from the source, and doesn’t overwrite existing data.


Review robust post-migration reporting, including high-level summary details, visualizations of data, and deep, file-by-file results to audit migration outcomes when needed.

Delta sync

Re-run completed jobs to migrate any new or updated data on the source to Box, so teams keep working while migration runs. Delta syncs don’t overwrite edits to content already made in Box.

Petabytes of customer transformation


A growing business migrated three terabytes of audio recordings from a failing file server to improve client relationships.

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A global media firm consolidated from on-prem and cloud tools, powering efficient content migrations from multiple acquired companies.

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A regulated life sciences organization centralized its file shares and hard drives while securely incorporating sensitive content into workflows

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Migration strategy
Build your content migration strategy

Eliminate content silos and fragmentation by starting your Box Shuttle migration today.

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data migration
Get help with your data migration

Get Box Shuttle guidance or end-to-end migration support with Box Consulting Migration Services.

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see how shuttle works
See how Box Shuttle works

Check out a start-to-finish Box content migration — from analysis and planning to the final delta sync.

Ready to go cloud-first?